Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Glu Eternity Warrior 3 cheats ( Health, Mana, Demage, Armor ) ( Android use only)

Ok guys i want to share how to cheat eternity warrior 3 first you need apk Gamehacker


1. Enter the dungeon. Let say if your HP is something like 5006.1
2. do combined search 5006,1000 (Eternity warrior ignore ".1" so just put 5006 instead of 5006.1)
3. You will get 2 results, Lock those 2 results.

ps: If you can not get any result try search 5005,1000
Do not change 1000. only your HP amount.
You have to do this every time when you enter the dungeon

ATK dmg/armor

Recommend you to use gamehacker 2.63 version

1. enter the dungeon.
2. let say if your armor and atk dmg are 2310.4, 2235.7
3. do combined search 2310,2235 (ignore .4 and .7)
4. change it to desire number (eg. 99999)
5. if nothing has been changed.
6. re-enter the dungeon and search 2310,2234 and change it to desire number.

This also have to do every time when you enter the dungeon.

i tested with gamehacker only, on gamecih, gamekiller, and game guardian not yet tested

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